Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weigh In

Well as I posted last night I wanted to get back into the swing of things and get back on my regular meeting date.

Last Week's weight: 291.8
This Week's weight: 290
Loss: -1.8

Total loss: -23.8

I'm feeling great. Tracking works people. (Not a new concept, eh?) This is my second time using Weight Watchers to loose the weight, and both times I started out not tracking. Jen posted a tracking challenge and for me, it works. It may be tedious and difficult at times, but it keeps me mindful of what I'm eating. For me, it stops the mindless eating, I am more aware of what I am eating, if I have to track it.

I've also been mindful of getting my Gruve green consistently and getting my activity in.

I am really excited about this turn of events and re-commitment to my weight loss journey.

The meeting topic this week was about fitting in those filling foods and how filling foods help keep you feeling fuller longer. The members of the meeting then really started talking about fitting the healthy oil in. For me, I enjoy my popcorn cooked in oil. Low in points, it also counts as a filling food. Instead of butter, I pop it in some oil and use a little garlic salt to season.

I am feeling really good! I wish you all successes at the scale this week!

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