Friday, August 13, 2010

Tracking Challenge: Day 3

So just to catch up, I will go ahead and post today's results (Wednesday). I woke up this morning in Boston and was able to make my way home, back to New Hampshire; before coming into work tonight. I love using Boston Transit. (MBTA) it's really wonderful and convenient. My friend's place that I crashed at is about a 10 minute walk to a T-stop. So it was nice to have a chance to chat with her. I rode with her to her work, and then got to see her office before saying my goodbyes and heading north. BTW, how she can work THERE is beyond me! I'd be so tempted!

I was able to get home at a reasonable hour, since all the traffic was heading into Boston, it was easy to get out of Boston. So happy when you go the opposite way of traffic! Once home, I grabbed a salad from a local pizzeria and checked my facebook feeds, grabbed a quick shower and headed into work. Of course once I got to work, I realized that I didn't pack anything for dinner, so after looking at the take out menus at work, I decided on some ziti and meatballs with another salad.

Salads are my go-to meal to get some veggies in. I don't ever get sick of salads. DBF on the other hand, doesn't like them as much as I do.

So how did I do today? Well I used 33.5 points, out of a possible daily of 34. I am happy about that!

I am going to try to go to my WW meeting tomorrow and weigh in. My typical weigh in day is Tuesday but with my work schedule, I haven't been able to go on my usual day. I am not sure what to think, whenever I weigh in around my night shifts, I tend to be up at the scale, a day or two later, I am back to normal or even losing. I've also had two nights in a row of late eating (due to schedules) so I am sure that doesn't do well when weighing in!

So I am not sure what my "official" weight will be tomorrow, but I know that I've been tracking and I'm pretty proud of that fact. And hopefully next week, I'll be back to my regular WW schedule!

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