Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marriage Certificate

Well, Ben and I went to town hall and got our marriage certificate! One step closer to our license and one step closer to our wedding day. Not going to lie, it was pretty anti-climatic.

Not sure why, but all these appointments and finalizing of details, it's making things more real for me. We've had the final meeting with our minister, to go over the ceremony details, we've had final appointments for our cake and flowers, and our DJ as well.

It's crazy to think that we've been planning this wedding for a little over a year. In the beginning it was a rush to get a lot of the major tasks accomplished and then there was the dreaded "in-between" time where you couldn't really get too much done. The big things were done, but it was too early to work on the smaller details.

The all of sudden, as if I didn't know when my wedding was, everything just has started snowballing! I've got so many DIY tasks to complete as well as some other details. Now granted a lot of the DIY tasks are simple details that I would love to incorporate. My parents aren't really sold on the sign idea.... but honestly, if I don't get everything done, it will still be a lovely day. So I am trying not to get stressed out about things.

My family and friends have been awesome, with their offers to help.... I love them all. It's great to have some amazing people in my life. Makes me feel great about my wedding, like they support me and my new chapter in my life.

Just a few short weeks away at this point!

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