Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

I will be going to the gym tomorrow... (there, if I type it and post it, it will happen, right?) Someone please check on me...

While having dinner with my bestie last night, we said that we both need to be more active, she even mentioned the Couch to 5K program, and asked me what it was about. She's considering it! (oh to have a running buddy at my level!) So perhaps this is the swift kick in the ass I need!

I am excited for Daylight Savings, I cannot wait for it to be lighter later in the evening, gives me a chance to get out and be active more. That in conjunction with the warmer weather and melting snow!

In other news, today, I sold my horse. I probably haven't talked much about it, especially since I didn't want to jinx it, but I sold my horse today. It's bittersweet, he is really an awesome creature and if my circumstances were different, I would be keeping him. However, with the wedding and possibly buying a house all this year, it's just not feasible, I wouldn't be able to train/work with him. I was able to find him a good home and someone who is just as eager and excited to own and work with him.

Now that he has been sold, a lot of my money problems have been relieved, I am still waiting on a few things to clear up to get my taxes done, but I can live with a bit more wiggle room. Which is nice, since now I have a honeymoon to save up for!

So it looks like I still won't be attending FitBloggin' this year, which I am bummed about, missing out on meeting some of my online friends in real life.

I will go to the gym tomorrow...

1 comment:

Kerri O said...

So...did you go to the gym?? :P
Yay and boo for selling the horse. I understand it's hard.
I'm sad you won't make it to fitbloggin, but completely understand, I was in the same place last year, just couldn't afford it no matter how much I wanted to go.


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