Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's going on...

I have to admit, I am a little bummed out about not going to FitBloggin' but hopefully there will be another time/year in which I can go.

What I am excited about is getting married and buying a house! Getting married in 207 days even! This past weekend H2B and I went to register for gifts. And what I've realized is that a pricing gun is VERY dangerous! Another thing I realized is that H2B and I are very practical, we registered for things we certainly need, but since we don't know what our future house is going to look like, we didn't register for certain things. However we did put some stuff on there that would certainly be nice. Hello Keurig and KitchenAid Stand Mixer...

After we finished registering, we drove around and did some "window shopping" looking at some houses to get a feel for what was out there in the market. We have several friends that either have just purchased or are in the market to purchase a home and we are seeing how long it takes them. It gets us thinking that we may just want to start poking around on the off chance it takes us awhile to find our first home.

All in all it was a fun weekend. Although I didn't get to the gym.... :-(

My best friend had expressed an interest in doing a couch to 5K program with me, right now we are looking at a mid to late May race, which means we would need to start the program relatively soon. Now with daylight savings passed, sunset is a lot later, allowing me to get out and go for a walk after work, which I did last night.

And what I realized, is that I am WAY out of shape, and probably could not run a 5K right now if I wanted to! So basically I feel like I will be starting all over again with the C25K program. Which I am ok with. What I am not ok with is the ankle pain I have right now. Also something funny to note is that while out registering this weekend, my left knee locked up on me several times. To the point that I had to catch myself from falling over. Something I will have to keep an eye on.

In other wedding news, I am excited to be flying down to Georgia to see my cousin, she's my maid of honor. We have a few days together to go find her a dress and basically catch up on things, since I haven't seen her in person in 2 years... miss that girl!

Basically April is a very busy month, with going to Georgia and attending 2 different classes for work, I don't expect to be home much! H2B is going to get TOO comfortable having that bed all to himself!

1 comment:

Missa said...

go for the C25K from the beginning and do it with your pal. It is a great goal setting exercise and you can be assured that the next 8 weeks of fitness is booked.


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