Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Le Sigh

The other day, I was thinking about budgets and money issues (don't they suck!) And it's looking like unless I can find some sponsorship, I won't be able to attend FitBloggin '11 :-(

I just am sad about it. But I have to see the bright side. I am marrying my best friend, the man of my dreams, and going on a fabulous once in a lifetime honeymoon. I'd like to have some spending money while on vacation.

I also own a horse, Monty. And although he's handsome and amazing, he still needs to eat. Although he's for sale, I really haven't had many bites on his ad. Anyone out there know of someone who wants an amazing UVM Morgan Colt?

Isn't he so cute! He loves the snow!

I was really hoping to meet some fabulous people at FitBloggin' you know, the other parts of my Team Awesome Trifecta!  As well as some other wonderful bloggie friends.

I am still looking for sponsorship and working some connections, but mostly getting rejected.

2011 is going to be a huge year for me, and I'm already accomplishing a lot of things. Maybe, just maybe, FitBloggin' will have to wait for another year.

1 comment:

Kerri O said...

I'm having no bites on sponsorship either, and I'm the same as you: can't afford to go otherwise. Agreed le sigh.


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