Tuesday, February 16, 2010


While switching out phones over the weekend, I finally downloaded pictures from my camera. And I found two pics worth posting here...



My time on the elliptical, I try to spend keeping my target heart rate, which is currently 154. But over the past week, I've wanted to push it to see what I could do... but not get my heart rate above 170. The first picture was my very first attempt. Which averages out to a 14.52 minute mile. And then the second picture was taken Monday night at the gym.... to be honest, it was actually closer to 12.15 for the mile, but its hard to get the camera to not jump around while still moving on the elliptical.... so it took a few attempts. But still very pleased with the results. 

I know its not much, but I am 291 pounds and NEVER considered being a runner, but seeing numbers like this makes me want to improve. But I first must get my cardio and my heart right. Got to condition, I can't just go from couch to 5K overnight... it takes time. I think I will do one of these 'timed runs' only once a week. I could never be a runner, I have bad ankles and shin splints like no ones business.  

Any advice about how to ease into something like this? Not looking to become a runner, but it may be nice to shake things up a bit. 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I've bene trying to hit the gym too.

Keep up the good work!


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