Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The 10 Germiest Jobs in America

I got my annual flu shot last week and it got me thinking about germs this week--specifically how to avoid them. So a recent headline caught my eye: The 10 Germiest Jobs in America. Of course, I had to click and learn more. Here's the scoop ...

Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona, whose nickname is "Dr. Germ," spoke to ABC News recently, about the germiest professions in America:

1. Teacher/day-care worker
2. Cashier, bank employee
3. Tech support/computer repair
4. Doctor or nurse
5. Lab scientist
6. Police officer
7. Animal control officer
8. Janitor or plumber
9. Sanitation worker (AKA garbage man/woman)
10. Meat packer

I think I'd add pest control workers to the list. Just think of those poor guys (and gals) crawling around in dark basements in search of rats. Ewww. I mean have you seen the show Verminators...gross!

And basically any job on Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, I don't think that I would want to do. I used to work as a bank teller. Money is so gross, I've noticed now that toll-takers and cashiers are using gloves when they handle money. Probably a good idea. I remember reading something awhile ago about how much drug residue is left on money from the drug trade, crazy huh?

I still do work in a doctor's office, and its a very sick and germy place! That is why I get my flu shot each year, you never know who you are going to come into contact with. people have sneezed on me before. EWWWWW! Seriously! Cover your freakin mouth!

And, a quick side note about Purell, and all other alcohol-based hand sanitizers folks: These don't "breed" bacteria as many people fear (I've been seeing some comments to this extent on the blog, so I thought I'd speak up). It's easy to come to this conclusion given all the warnings from health experts about superbugs and how bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics, yada, yada, yada--but rest assured, hand sanitizing gels aren't the reason. These are alcohol based and don't contain any "antimicrobial" properties (most don't, anyway). It's antibacterial soaps and wipes that have some health experts worrying. The thought is that bacteria are becoming stronger and bolder as a result of our love-affair with antibacterial everything. So, Purel away--it just kills the bugs and doesn't make them grow bigger and stronger. And maybe read up on antibacterial soaps and products before using--just FYI.

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