Seriously, how do bloggers keep up with blog posts on a frequent basis? My last post was in January! How quickly life flies by.
September is quickly approaching and Mister Mans is going to be 2.
This summer has been fantastic! Brenden is at a great age where we can go and explore and he has so much fun. Last weekend we went up to North Conway, NH to the Conway Scenic Railway for a Day with Thomas (Brenden's current obsession). We also hit up StoryLand where Brenden got to run around the park and see everything.
We've also been making good use of our pool this summer. Over the Winter and Spring we signed Brenden up for swim lessons through our local Y. He hated it at first.... but we felt since we had a pool and we both love the water, that we would keep at it. We decided to take the summer off since we have our own pool and we would take the lessons we learned in swim and use them in the pool. Well Brenden has taken off in the pool this summer. I cannot wait to go back to the Y and show off my son who now has a love of the pool and water...
He still hates bath time, well when he gets water poured over his head, but hey, I pick my battles right now.
At the beginning of June, hubby and I attempted to paint the interior of our house. We planned on having Brenden stay with the grandparents, so we could focus on painting. Like I said, our original intentions was to paint all 9 rooms. After the second day, we realized that we wouldn't be able to get to all of them. So we made the decision to not work on our bedroom and our bathroom. By the time the week was over, we only had one room 100% done, Brenden's bedroom. Over the 6 weeks, we've gotten more finishing work done. But we still have more work to do. I feel like it's never ending.
We thought a week to do the whole house would be appropriate, we were being optimistic. However it looks like we bit off more than we could chew. Thankfully the end is in sight. And as far as working on the house, that is the major project for us this year.
It's crazy to have your life revolve around a little one, but he gives my life so much joy. He also tests me like none other, but even on the "bad days" I still love him and couldn't imagine my life without him.
We have also gotten to know our neighbors a little more. We moved into a great neighborhood. Our plans revolve more around "play dates" but it's a fun little life.
Hopefully I'll be able to update on a more frequent basis, and heck even post some pictures!
On the weight front, I am the heaviest I have ever been... So there is that... always a work in progress.